Maintaining your Refrigerator
By Sruthi Menon | 0 Comments

What is the dirtiest place in your kitchen?

The answer might be different but your refrigerator might not be in that list . Spill food dried up , unsightly stains, blood stains, expired food, the un noticed  list goes on . You might identify the dirtiness only foul odors pops up and penetrate your nostrils. The wear and tear on your refrigerator needs periodic cleaning.

A few periodic simple maintenance steps can make your refrigerator a sparkling-clean fridge.

1.Only weekly basis  take out all food containers and any removable elements, including drawers and shelves and throw away the expired food or age old food.

2. Dispose food containers or items that are expired or old. Scrub containers  to clean up  stains or spills.

3. Use warm water & soap to scrub clean  freezer shelves and drawers  and wipe it dry

4. Use a sponge or rag and warm soapy water or a multipurpose cleaner, scrub the inside of the refrigerator and freezer. Don't forget the inside of the doors. Follow this how-to to clean your water and ice dispenser.

5. Put the shelves and drawers back in the refrigerator.

6. Put the clean food jars and containers back inside the refrigerator.

7. Using a vacuum hose or a long-handled duster, clean underneath the refrigerator. 

8. Wipe the exterior, including the top, with these tips for cleaning stainless steel.

If you find it hard to do this , we can assist you . Subscribe to Life Maid Easy Services incorporated’s premium maid service . Call us up or write to us.

Stay clean & stay healthy.

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