Mostly pregnant women are bombarded with advice from well-meaning friends and relatives — and even strangers. Everyone seems to have an opinion on what women should or shouldn’t do, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by conflicting recommendations.
Well, now you have delivered the baby. Your body is recouping. Your hormone production is some what stabilizing.Your Lack of sleep, a changing dynamic between you and your partner, and perhaps some body image issues as you realize that belly ain't gonna flatten itself: not exactly the combo to put you in the mood. If you're breastfeeding, even mother nature is working against you. Nursing releases oxytocin, a hormone that triggers good feelings toward the baby but also suppresses your libido. In other words keeping your sex drive low is your body's way of preventing another pregnancy too soon.
Many women feel that their body has changed and have conflicting feelings about sexual intimacy The Ayurvedic postpartum care Life Maid Easy Services Incorporated, involves rejuvenation and recouping of newly delivered mother's body and physique. It helps to shrink the uterus and help to restore the sex drive in mother. Unlike the earlier days, with various contraceptives in use, the risk of another immediate pregnancy can be ignored. Here are some very common postpartum sexual concerns for women, as well as some tips to overcome them:
Irrespective of the type of child birth, most women report a decrease in sexual desire. During first months of pregnancy , more estrogen is produced in her body. The child birth drains out the estrogen level to the pre-pregnancy level. Estrogen is an important hormone in sexual desire and arousal, and decrease in sexual desire is a common effect of the rapid decrease in these levels.
In addition to estrogen changes, prolactin, a hormone secreted in the brain that causes milk letdown, increases when you are breastfeeding. When prolactin is elevated, testosterone and estrogen is suppressed, causing low libido and vaginal dryness. The vaginal walls may become frail and narrow. Hormonal birth controls can also worsen vaginal dryness, so consider speaking to your doctor about non-hormonal birth controls such as an intrauterine device (IUD) in order to offset these issues.
Whether it is Virginal birth or by C-section, vaginal pain is likely to happen (most likely due to the hormone changes). Most of the cases, childbirth involves an episiotomy, stitches, tearing, or C-section. Many women find that they are anxious about resuming sexual activity because of the physical trauma their bodies have been through. Additionally, some women experience urinary incontinence and flatulence as a result of childbirth. These two conditions, and the possible embarrassment related to them, can make some women avoid sex. These two issues usually resolve themselves after six months, so talk to your doctor if these are a concern for you.
A few women experiences PTSD or Posttraumatic Stress such as insomnia ,panic ,anxiety,after giving birth. This traumatic experience could lead to anxious feelings about your vagina in general, and it is not uncommon for women to be anxious about penetration. This type of anxiety may go away on its own once you resume intercourse, but if it doesn’t, it might be helpful to seek support from a therapist who specializes in PTSD.
Lowered levels of estrogen, fatigue, possible depression, and constant contact with an infant, many new mothers report lower levels of arousal. Try much more extended foreplay (45 minutes to an hour) to give yourself more time than usual to become aroused. And although lubricant can be good, give your body sufficient time to try to get lubricated on its own. Listen to your body if it is telling you it is not ready for intercourse just yet.
When you don't have a maid or a Postpartum care giver or some one to assist, new mothers often find it exhausting after child birth, especially when she is sleep deprived and fatigued. Due to the feeding schedule and short sleeping periods of infants, many new moms only get two hours of sleep in a row. At times the fathers has to take care of the baby. Fatigue and decreased sleep of both parents could lead to feelings of depression and relationship conflict, which will reduce the sex drive and intimacy between them. Women embrace motherhood and put all their energy into being a loving, caring, fully engaged parent. At the end of the day, it may be somewhat challenging to transition back into the role of romantic partner. Postpartum depression occurs in approximately 15% of women. Symptoms of postpartum depression include lack of energy, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, thoughts of suicide, or thoughts of harming one’s baby. Depression on any level decreases feelings of desire and interest in intimacy. It is advised to contact your Doctor ,if you come across these emotions. Medications and therapy can significantly help.
It can help if both partners make it a goal to set aside quality time to spend together doing things that don’t involve your baby. Do a hobby or an activity you used to do together, and try to take advantage of a babysitter when the grandparents come to visit. Keeping up the romantic relationship will be paramount in the success of your growing family.
As long as your Gynecologist has given you approval to resume sex, take it slow, make sure you are adequately lubricated, and rest assured that any pain should be significantly improved within a few months. Try using a silicone-based lubricant for vaginal dryness. Some women may benefit from a vaginal moisturizer or an estrogen cream.In addition, having more sex will likely help. Vaginal atrophy, when the walls of the vagina narrow and thin, can occur after long periods of time without sex. Having more frequent intercourse will help the vagina bounce back into shape. Of course, speak to your medical provider if the discomfort does not improve after a few months.
Having a baby is a wonderful time, but sometimes, sexual problems can be embarrassing or leave women feeling like they are alone in their problem. I hope that this overview was helpful and that you receive the support you need to resume your intimate relationship after adding a new addition to your family.
We at Life Maid Easy Services Incorporated, train our maids and Postpartum / Post delivery Care Givers to help the new mother through the post partum period. The Cooks and maids relives the new mom from house hold chores and the postpartum care givers helps her to rejuvenate and recoup her life with the new member in the family and without destabilizing her family life